Is she another jewess in the top seat?

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of course she is.

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I am a resident of Australia, am I right that most of the top echelons of the cdc are of the same origin, if so, is it just educational capacity or is it “engineered?”

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Not educational capacity; they are the favored lapdogs for the hidden rulers, have been for a long time. “They run” and dominate media, academia, finance, pharma, etc and it’s not because they are the most beautiful, talented or super human. Lots of other ethnicities have talent as well. It becomes quite sickening when delving into it. For example, the majority of the faces pushing for the Iraq war under Bush were all of the same tribe.

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Well stated Sun Sioux, I couldn’t have said that better!

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The photo says it all. She's got that "believe me" look, just like Tony Blair: slightly raised eyebrows, angelic expression, welcoming arms. Typical NLP trained Fabian cult leader.

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Why always a Judah-person. WHY?

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Thank you for the answer sun Sioux, I though that may be the case, is the end game the destruction and f the republic and if so what do the Jews of the world/ America gain, I cannot fathom it.

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